Summer Camp Registration

Two happy children playing Hansel and Gretel reach towards you over the back of a bench

Welcome to Summer Camp 2025 with Roots and Rhythms!

Camp will run from 9am-2pm each day. Drop-off and pick-up will be at the location of the day. Enrollment is open for children 3 – 8 years old (reasonable exceptions made).

    (fields with * are required)

    Child Information

    Contact Information


    Choose what weeks you would like to attend. Each week we will be at The Evergreen State College on Monday, Squaxin Park on Tuesday, Tumwater Historical Park on Wednesday and McLane Creek Nature Trail on Thursday. Friday's location will vary.
    (Check all that apply)

    This summer we are offering a 3 Tier tuition scale. Please reflect on your financial situation and choose the option that feels appropriate to you.

    If you would prefer to have your child attend camp part time, please let us know your preferred days. If we have a families whose preference matches with yours we will contact you. Registration is for a full week and part-time is not guaranteed.